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The Impossible Task

Updated: May 9, 2022

Basel St. Alban-Anlage. For some time now, this has been a construction site of Bertschmann AG where, among other things, new supply lines and house connections are being built. However, problems arose with a specific connection and we were asked to take a look at the matter.

Unfortunately, excavations weren't possible in this area, so they tried it with a horizontal drilling system. But regrettably without success. An obstacle in the ground prevented a successful pilot bore. Our task now was to pull in three protective pipes for three different media (water, gas, electricity) close to each other, under two trees and through an unknown obstacle...

Time pressure is a constant companion in the construction business, but thanks to the good cooperation with Bertschmann AG and IWB, we were able to drill the first borehole fairly quickly. With our flush drilling rig the pilot bore was completed in half a day without any major effort and the pipe, after a previous widening of the bore hole, was retracted the next day. Water and gas were then tackled on the following days and within 3.5 days all connections were made.

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